Saturday, April 30, 2011


Dawn, Oil on Canvas, 54 x 72

Face Detail

Hand Detail

Wound Detail
Eyes Detail


Mao, Oil on Canvas, 54 x 72

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paper Pushers by Armando Cabba & Evans Adrian

Performance piece completed at Dawson College. Students were given sealed envelopes by Evans and I posing as Concordia representatives containing a printed copy of a mock Concordia University diploma. 

Diploma Text:

Dear prospective Concordia University student, 
Congratulations on your determination to complete higher education, Not everyone has the right to go to university. However, university isn't  all that it's cut out to be sometimes. Remember that the most successful people in this world have followed their dreams. Concordia doesn't offer a "dreams program, but remember that grades aren't everything. We encourage you to become active in your community, think critically about your decisions and remember that a diploma is just a piece of paper, just like this one. It doesn't mean much right now, it's what you do with your life and dreams that makes all the difference.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Color Project

Self Portrait, Oil on Canvas, 30 x 40

Fantasy Self Portrait, Oil on Canvas, 30 x 40